Train Wreck (not really)

Hi All, I might as well have been in a train wreck, as little as I am getting done. I have some health issues that have slowed my forward momentum, for which I apologize.  Yet, I am also slowly (so very slowly) creeping up on better health and accomplishments....

Tuesday. 1 Week Out

Morning. So, yeah. One week until SHATTERED BONDS drops (releases) and I am utterly terrified. Did I do everything I needed to? Did I write the right book? Did I torture all the characters enough? Well, yeah. I did that.  So, chapter titles! Chapter Eleven Is...

Tuesday. 2 Weeks Out

Morning!  SHATTERED BONDS releases Tuesday Oct. 29 and that makes today chapter title day!  Also, info day. Did you know I have a newsletter? People on that newsletter list get fun stuff and info first! I send one out usually once a month. Unless I’m...

And so the Countdown Begins

Hi all. We are 2 weeks out from the release of SHATTERED BONDS. The blog tour starts today here, at SlipperyWords.  There are prezzies and giveaways and non-spoilerish excerpts and even a serial short story. Mostly, all versions are up and available for preorder...

Tuesday 3 Weeks Out

Morning! We are 3 weeks out from SHATTERED BONDS! Tuesday are Non-spoilerish chapter titles day! And info about other things, of course. Chapter Five I Had to Apologize to A Werewolf No one is surprised that Jane has to apologize. Like her writer she she has a big...