Free Books!!!

Yep! Just in time for the holidays, a multi-author book-giveaway blog tour! One can never have too many books. Faith

Free Books? Rafflecopter!

Hi all! Along with some of my favorite writers, I am doing a huge HOLIDAY book giveaway! Follow along and register everywhere you can. All sorts of books to be given away. Slippery Words  November 24th, 2015 I Smell Sheep  November 25th, 2015 Literal...

More Stuff and Stuff and Stuff

Hey ALL! Lottsa tiny bits of news. A more personal update will follow on the next blog. First — These are the events and cons I am attending in Feb.  2016. I just discovered that I will be at Booknack in Rock Hill SC for a release day book signing on Feb 2, for...

Poll Results!

Annnnd we have a winner for the WERE anthology poll! Jane and Gee will go for a hunt… and have to fight a were creature of unusual size, one *that should not be*. Thank you everyone for voting. I am hanging on to the poll for the next shorts. I know what the...

This Week in Half-Review with ALMOST a SPOILER!

This has been a long week already, and though it is nearly noon as I write this, I am still wearing PJs and robe and … oddly enough, river flops, while sitting at my desk with a cooling cuppa chai latte. The exhausted dogs are asleep, Tommy on the couch, tucked...

This Week and Next

This week? Dragon Con stuff and kickstarter. Next week? A snippet! DRAGON CON!!! I have a reading at Dragon Con and I have BIG plans! I’ll be reading from Jane Yellowrock, either book 10, SHADOW RITES, or from one of the novellas in BLOOD IN HER VEINS. Or maybe...