And so the Countdown Begins

Hi all. We are 2 weeks out from the release of SHATTERED BONDS. The blog tour starts today here, at SlipperyWords.  There are prezzies and giveaways and non-spoilerish excerpts and even a serial short story. Mostly, all versions are up and available for preorder...

Snippets, Stuff, and Reviews and SALES!

Morning All! (Edited to add todays Audible sales!) I hope your day is going great, and you are full of happiness and joy. If not (or if you can never have too much good stuff going on) there is a Rogue Mage snippet here.  And more stuff all week at the...

COLD REIGN — longer snippet (first 5 pages)

Morning All! The next Jane Yellowrock book comes out May 2. (Preorder now!) This is the first 5 pages of — COLD REIGN Chapter One Holy Necrophilia, Batman I slid across the slick gym floor in the lightweight boots, a fourteen-inch, silver-plated vamp-killer...


Today’s favorite lines: COLD REIGN: I was already moving. Kicked hard. Stepping into the motion, adding momentum and spin. He was a big guy, but a well-placed kick to the wrists beat weight lifting any day. I followed it up, stepping closer and swinging a fist...

I have NOT forgotten the ROGUE MAGE

Despite the fact that I have BLOOD IN HER VEINS out tomorrow — Press Release for Rogue Mage fans FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Anthology Set in the World of Faith Hunter’s Rogue Mage Series Charlotte, N.C.,  Feb. 1, 2016 Bella Rosa Books is pleased to announce two...

CAT FIGHT — Snippet

From a Novella from The World of Jane Yellowrock By Faith Hunter 33,480  words — to be published in BLOOD IN HER VEINS in Feb. 2016 Author’s Note: This short story will take place (in the JY timeline) after Dark Heir. “The Master of the City of New Orleans sends...