The Fugue & Fable series is the story of psychic Mira Tejedor and a thirteen-year-old boy named Anthony Faircloth. Victim of a mysterious trauma, Anthony has fallen silent, and only Mira and her psychic talents have any hope of bringing him back to the mother and family who love him. As she explores his mind, she discovers that Anthony’s lifelong love of classical music has left his mind a magical and dangerous wonderland based on various Russian classics: an insane art gallery filled with mythical personae based on Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition which she explores as Rimsky-Korsakov’s titular storyteller, Scheherazade;  the triple threat of Stravinsky’s first three ballets: The Firebird with it’s garden full of mythical monsters and their deathless master, Petrushka where she becomes a puppet with a madman pulling her strings, and The Rite of Spring where she is forced to dance in a pagan ritual to set things right; and lastly, a tour de force of Tchaikovsky’s three ballets, where she assumes the roles of Odette in Swan Lake, Clara in The Nutcracker, and Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. Mysteries abound in both the realm of dream and the real world as well as Mira and Anthony struggle to escape the beautiful nightmares of Anthony’s imagination.

Amazon links to buy —
Link to book one: The Mussorgsky Riddle
Link to book two:  The Stravinsky Intrigue
Link to book three: The Tchaikovsky Finale

And the GORGEOUS covers!