A the LAST MINUTE, my family has decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on Wednesday evening, Cajun style.

No. Not gator. No. Not frog legs. Not opossum, snapping turtle, roasted boar, or (god forbid) nutria. No. Not mudbugs. No. Not grilled or smoked everything-meat.

We are having a Wednesday night meal of gumbo made with sausage, chicken, and shrimp, served with sticky white rice, grilled boudin, cornbread, and some fixins. It will be early. It will be exhausting. And I am totally thankful for the chance to be with family for the first time in what feels like forever.

Thankful. Joyful. Happy.

And then I might ride out to the bone pit and plant this baby tree (to the left).

2022 will, for me, be all about rejuvenation, change, restoring, walking away from rancor and anger, and getting away from stress.
Yes there will be books to write and books to release galore. But the goal is peace and restoration.

There will be trees to plant and to nurture, like this one that started my craving for Maples. It’s now about 5 feet tall and is glorious and it dropped the last of its leaves on Monday night when I took the picture just as the cold snap rolled in.

But for now? I have Cajun food to eat and trees to plant.

I’ll post again the week of Nov. 29th.

Happy Turkey Day, Y’all,
