
No one from my youth would ever guess that I can be the voice of reason. Just sayin’.


Tuffy’s breakfast is blueberries, Greek yogurt, green beans, and chicken breast. He eats better than I do.


This week I have worked on the newsletter and the rewrites and I took care of the dogs. Multitasking. Except the dogs think they need more attention….


I also started to put the first full rewrite (of many) into the full rough draft of Shadow Rites (Jane Yellowrock book 10). Tied… But I always am at this point. AND — THE COVER! shadow rites high res


People want to know why I’m starting a newsletter and taking snippets off FB and such. Well, here’s one part of the dealio. One post on the fan site was shared by 264 people. 264 shares, not likes. Shares! The shares from my regular page were 21. You do the math at the numbers of people who *should have* seen it! But only 8.6K people saw the post. Now stop and think. How many people are being *held back* from seeing a writer’s work?

I totally understand FB not letting people advertize (reach *new* fans to buy books) without paying for advertising. But to keep friends/fans from seeing posts (posts that are not geared to making money) … Not fair. And the reason I am taking most of my fan interaction to the website and the newsletter.

Newsletter signup

Friday was the 6th time in the pool for mama and me. She is doing fantastic. Walking without holding on to anyone or anything and getting more limber. Her balance is fantastic! And she is getting toned too! Happy happy happy!


Something Jane is learning — There is a difference in conflict writing, between a character (or even a person) fighting a battle and fighting a war (whether physical or otherwise).

In fighting a battle things about the war (goals and such) are compressed into action and reaction, skills, weapons, violence, and intensity (of words or actions) are most often used. A battle is faster than a war. Results are usually instantaneous.

In a war, one must have the long-view. One must have goals and careful planning and wisdom. I look at Jane’s overarching goals and write from that perspective. For clarity — Leo battled Jane when he tried to force a bonding, but he lost the war. Bruiser won the war.

Oddly, this is the way I live too. Though without the staking and beheading and shape-shifting and hunting deer for dinner.
